Tax consequences of owning a house in the Netherlands
Are you buying your own home in the Netherlands? If so, this has consequences for your taxes. For example, you may deduct the mortgage interest.
Are you buying your own home in the Netherlands? If so, this has consequences for your taxes. For example, you may deduct the mortgage interest.
DigiD stands for Digital Identity. With your DigiD you show who you are when you are dealing with Dutch government agencies.
A bookkeeper takes a lot of work off your hands, will take care of your tax obligations and provide you with tax advice.
Outsourcing your payroll administration mainly provides time, convenience, expertise, cost savings and risk limitation. You can opt for complete outsourcing of payroll administration, or for a hybrid solution, in which you do part yourself and outsource another part.
If you received an invitation from the tax authorities to file a tax return then you have to do this. Since it is not always possible to file the tax return before the deadline a time extension can be requested.
Although the system in the Netherlands seems flexible specific procedures must be followed. These procedures may require some time, so it is important that the right solution is chosen and that all required information is available on request. In this article we will explain some of the rules involved and our fees if you would like us to assist you.
What are the consequences for you as an employer and what needs to be arranged?
Is your employee entitled to maternity leave and a maternity allowance?
Income from savings and investments: Box 3 Update: February 2022 On December 24, 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that the way income from savings and investments are taxed in Box 3 violates the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and provided immediate restitution of rights in that case. According to the Supreme Court, only the…
Do you supply goods in the EU to customers who do not declare VAT? If so, as of July 1, 2021, you must usually declare that VAT in the EU country where you deliver. For these supplies, you can start using the so-called one-stop shop system. Also if you deliver services in the EU.
Many employees receive a fixed (travel) expense allowance from their employer every month. As a result of the current Corona measures, employees have to work from home as much as possible, which could have consequences for this reimbursement. Temporary approval: costs can remain untaxed To prevent this from happening, Secretary of State Vijlbrief of Finance…
It seems attractive: living and working in one building. But a home office is by no means always fiscally attractive. The fiscal rules around a home office are complex.
The non-application of the 30% ruling by the employer to an employee’s salary is a matter of employment law matter and can’t be dealt with by the tax courts.
The UBO-register makes transparent who pulls the strings of legal entities established in the Netherlands.
As a result of the corona measures, many expats have to take into account the possibility that another country will levy tax on their wages than expected. In principle, however, the situation does not change for social security. Cross-border work In cases of cross-border work, there are often two or sometimes even more countries that…
Are you worried about a deadline for your 2019 tax return? Expatax can help you with your tax return and arrange a time extension for you so that you don’t have to be afraid of getting a fine from the tax authorities for filing late.
An employer can’t oblige an employee to go on holiday because of the corona measures. However, the employer also does not have to comply with the employee’s request to withdraw his planned holidays.
To prevent that entrepreneurs lose the self employed tax credit they are assumed to have worked sufficient hours during corona crisis.
Employers may continue to pay the fixed travel allowances without tax. This has been decided by State Secretary Vijlbrief of Finance. In addition, the Tax authorities are temporarily more flexible in applying the anonymous rate in the wage tax.
Working with employees who don’t have a required valid work permit can lead to substantial fines.
Unilateral changes to wages of employees are subject to very strict rules A company which faces setbacks and gets into financial trouble will look for measures that can make the company financially healthy again. A wage sacrifice by employees can be such a measure. However, if employees do not wish to participate in this, a…
Gain insight into your financial situation What do I have ‘in cash’, what do I need to get and what do I have to pay? And when do I have to pay? Make sure you have your payment obligations under control. Because if you know what you have, what you still get and what you…
Source: and The Entrepreneur Affected Sectors Allowance COVID-19 (TOGS) is 1 of the 9 emergency measures of the cabinet to support entrepreneurs during the corona crisis. The TOGS is for entrepreneurs who are directly damaged by various government measures to contain the COVID-19 virus. Duped entrepreneurs receive a one-off payment of € 4,000…
In order to help SME entrepreneurs affected by the corona crisis, the rules for the SME Credit Guarantee Scheme (Borgstelling MKB-kredieten, BMKB) have been relaxed. This adjusted regulation is called the BMKB-C. The measure allows businesses to borrow money from the bank under more favourable conditions, for example in order to be able to continue…
Several banks have announced to spare smaller entrepreneurs Smaller businesses that are fundamentally sound will be granted a maximum six-month grace period on their current loans of up to EUR 2.5 million. These are customers of ABN AMRO, ING, Rabobank, Volksbank and Triodos Bank.This measure is intended to give smaller enterprises some air and is…
Two extensions apply here: 1) Since 1 January, employers pay a low WW (unemployment benefit) premium for permanent contracts and a high WW premium for flexible contracts as a result of the Labour Market in Balance Act (Wab). On 9 December 2019, the Minister of SZW announced that employers will have until 1 April 2020…