Tax return netherlands year of migration

I have not lived or worked in the Netherlands the whole year. Can I claim a refund?

Tax refund if you were not in the Netherlands the entire year The fact that you arrived in or left the Netherlands during the year will often lead to a tax refund if wage tax was withheld on your salary. The same if you were not living in the Netherlands at all but only worked…

Pension premium

Deduction of pension premiums in your income tax return

Accruing your own (additional) pension In some situations it is necessary or sensible to build up additional pension yourself. How can you supplement your pension income yourself, and what are the tax benefits? In which situations is it wise to build up (extra) pension yourself? As a self-employed person or contractor you do not accrue…

VAT on e-commerce in the EU

E-commerce and services in the EU: see what changes for VAT from 1 July 2021

Do you supply goods in the EU to customers who do not declare VAT? If so, as of July 1, 2021, you must usually declare that VAT in the EU country where you deliver. For these supplies, you can start using the so-called one-stop shop system. Also if you deliver services in the EU.

Expat employee and corona

Consequences for the tax and social security position of an expat as a result of the corona measures

As a result of the corona measures, many expats have to take into account the possibility that another country will levy tax on their wages than expected. In principle, however, the situation does not change for social security. Cross-border work In cases of cross-border work, there are often two or sometimes even more countries that…

Time extension for payment of tax

Payment problems due to corona crisis? Postponement of payment of tax assessments possible for entrepreneurs including self-employed persons.

Updated 3 April 2020 The Dutch Tax Authorities are taking measures to mitigate the consequences of the corona crisis for entrepreneurs. Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer and do you have payment problems due to the corona crisis? Then you can ask the Tax Authorities for special extension of payment of outstanding tax assessments. You…

Corona work from home

Can an employer arrange a workplace at home for the employee tax free?

If an employee has to work from home – for example because of the coronavirus – the employer can set up that home workplace tax free if certain criteria are met. For the workplace at home, reimbursement, benefits or provision within the so called work-related costs scheme (WKR) are subject to a specific exemption for…

Mandatory Disclosure Directive

Mandatory Disclosure Rules / DAC6

As of July 1, 2020, the European Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR) / DAC6 directive applies. As a result of the Dutch implementation of this directive, intermediaries and / or taxpayers must report potentially aggressive international tax arrangements to the tax authorities. These are tax constructions involving residents of different countries and may be used to…

BSN: Citizen Service Number – your Dutch tax identification number

BSN: Citizen Service Number – your Dutch tax identification number What is a BSN? The citizen service number – in Dutch written as Burgerservicenummer or BSN – is a unique personal ID number of every citizen who is registered in the population register (Municipal Personal Records Database) at the municipal authorities. The citizen service number…

The Dutch tax system

The Dutch tax system If you live in the Netherlands, you qualify as a resident taxpayer. If you live abroad and receive income from the Netherlands that is taxable in the Netherlands, you qualify as a non-resident taxpayer. In both cases, you will be subject to Dutch income tax. Types of income For income tax…