VAT on e-commerce in the EU

E-commerce and services in the EU: see what changes for VAT from 1 July 2021

Do you supply goods in the EU to customers who do not declare VAT? If so, as of July 1, 2021, you must usually declare that VAT in the EU country where you deliver. For these supplies, you can start using the so-called one-stop shop system. Also if you deliver services in the EU.

determined smiling businessman with laptop on street

Tax-free continuation of the fixed (travel) expense allowance for working from home during the corona crisis expires in 2021

Many employees receive a fixed (travel) expense allowance from their employer every month. As a result of the current Corona measures, employees have to work from home as much as possible, which could have consequences for this reimbursement. Temporary approval: costs can remain untaxed To prevent this from happening, Secretary of State Vijlbrief of Finance…