Now Open

UWV opens NOW counter on Monday 6 April, 9.00 a.m.

Employers who wish to qualify for the temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW) can submit an application to the UWV from Monday 6 April at 9.00 a.m. onwards. The UWV expects tens of thousands of applications per day. Maintaining employment in difficult times The NOW scheme is intended to retain as many jobs as possible…

Director shareholder DGA

Reduction in customary salary for director-major shareholders (DGA) of a private limited company (BV) due to corona crisis

If you are a director of a private limited company (Besloten Vennootschop or BV) and you own at least 5% of the shares in this limited company then you have to pay yourself a customary salary. The height of the salary depends on your situation, but in principle it is at least € 46,000 (in…

Bank finance

Questions about the Guarantee Entrepreneur Financing (GO)

The Guarantee Entrepreneur Financing (GO) is one of the government’s measures to support entrepreneurs during the corona crisis. What is the GO scheme? The GO scheme stands for Guarantee Enterprise Financing. The scheme is for companies that have problems obtaining a loan from the bank. With the GO scheme, the government helps companies (SMEs and…

Time extension for payment of tax

Payment problems due to corona crisis? Postponement of payment of tax assessments possible for entrepreneurs including self-employed persons.

Updated 3 April 2020 The Dutch Tax Authorities are taking measures to mitigate the consequences of the corona crisis for entrepreneurs. Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer and do you have payment problems due to the corona crisis? Then you can ask the Tax Authorities for special extension of payment of outstanding tax assessments. You…

Shop closed due to corona

Questions about the Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging for Employment (NOW)

In Dutch: Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkgelegenheid (NOW) Go to our page about the financial measures around the Corona crisis Companies that suffer loss of turnover due to the corona crisis can be reimbursed up to 90% of their wage costs by NOW as from 1 March. This scheme is all about the people. That…

Entrepreneur without work

Conditions for temporary emergency regulations for self-employed entrepreneurs announced

Go to our page about the financial measures around the Corona crisis The conditions of the Temporary Bridging Scheme for Independent Entrepreneurs (Tozo) have been published. The scheme is implemented by municipalities and will continue until 1 June. Self-employed people can make use of two facilities from the Tozo: income support and a loan for…

Business income

6 tips to keep your payment obligations under control

Your business is liquid if you can meet all payment obligations in the short term. But the developments surrounding the coronavirus affect your bank account. You see your income falling, but the bills, interest and taxes still have to be paid. Right? With these 6 tips, you can keep your payment obligations under control. Make…

Deferral of pension contributions

Possibility to postpone the payment of pension contributions for employers

Deferral of pension premium Pension providers will compensate employers who are or have come into immediate problems as a result of the corona crisis as much as possible if they experience problems when paying the pension contributions without affecting the rights of employees. The Labor Foundation and the organizations of pension providers, the Pension Federation…

Work from home

Frequently asked questions about the financial measures which the Dutch government is taking to maintain employment during the Corona crisis – Update 17 March 2020

What tax measures does the government take for entrepreneurs?   It is possible to apply for special deferral of payment for tax debts . After the request has been received, the Tax Authorities will stop the recovery measures. Individual assessment of the request will take place later. The usual deferral requirements remain. However, a “third expert” statement does not have to…

Reduction of work hours

Unemployment benefit during reduction of working hours

This information is provided by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO If you run a business in the Netherlands and you don’t have enough work for your staff due to exceptional circumstances, such as the Corona virus, fire, flooding or a trade boycott you can apply for a reduction of working hours (werktijdverkorting, WTV) permit. This…

Corona work from home

Can an employer arrange a workplace at home for the employee tax free?

If an employee has to work from home – for example because of the coronavirus – the employer can set up that home workplace tax free if certain criteria are met. For the workplace at home, reimbursement, benefits or provision within the so called work-related costs scheme (WKR) are subject to a specific exemption for…

Mandatory Disclosure Directive

Mandatory Disclosure Rules / DAC6

As of July 1, 2020, the European Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR) / DAC6 directive applies. As a result of the Dutch implementation of this directive, intermediaries and / or taxpayers must report potentially aggressive international tax arrangements to the tax authorities. These are tax constructions involving residents of different countries and may be used to…

Money in a jar

Fiscal and economic measures related to the Corona virus

On 12 March 2020, the Cabinet informed the House of Representatives that it will take a number of measures to mitigate the negative economic consequences of the corona virus for companies. 1. Reduction of working hours Companies that are affected by the coronavirus outbreak and meet a number of conditions may be eligible for the…

Posting employees to the Netherlands – Step by step guide

Posting employees to the Netherlands? Step by step guide What needs to be done when employees are sent to the Netherlands? 1. Check whether your employees meet the conditions for residence in the Netherlands Your employees may need a residence permit or a visa to reside in the Netherlands. They must register with the local…


BSN: Citizen Service Number – your Dutch tax identification number

BSN: Citizen Service Number – your Dutch tax identification number What is a BSN? The citizen service number – in Dutch written as Burgerservicenummer or BSN – is a unique personal ID number of every citizen who is registered in the population register (Municipal Personal Records Database) at the municipal authorities. The citizen service number…

Our movie about the 1,000 blue envelopes we received from the tax authorities on one day

16 april 2013 Due to a mistake we didn’t receive one envelope with a list of 1,000 tax returns, but for each tax return a separate envelope. And more envelopes will follow…. We receive blue envelopes every day. But such a large number led to the idea to do something with it. So in the…

VAT in the Netherlands

Subject to VAT The value added tax system in the Netherlands corresponds with that currently used by all other EU-states. The following transactions are subject to VAT: the provision of goods and services by businesses within the Netherlands; intra-Community purchases of goods in the Netherlands in the course of business operations by entrepreneurs and corporations;…

VAT number

New VAT identification number? Do not dispose of your old VAT number!

New VAT identification number? Do not dispose of your old VAT number! All entrepreneurs with a sole proprietership will receive a new VAT identification number in the coming period. However, this does not mean that the old VAT number can be thrown away. The entrepreneur must continue to use this old number for communication with…

The Dutch tax system

The Dutch tax system If you live in the Netherlands, you qualify as a resident taxpayer. If you live abroad and receive income from the Netherlands that is taxable in the Netherlands, you qualify as a non-resident taxpayer. In both cases, you will be subject to Dutch income tax. Types of income For income tax…