30% ruling application

Expatax assists employers and employees with the application for the 30% ruling. We file hundreds of applications per year for individuals, small businesses up to and including large multinationals, with a very good track record. Benefit of our expertise and apply through us. 


To be able to file the application we need certain information and documents from you. Please read the following carefully and complete the steps so we can start your application as soon as possible.

Step 1

Both employee and employer must authorize Expatax to file the application on their behalf. Download the power of attorney PDF below, print it out and sign it and have your employer sign it. If your employer has a contract with Expatax then your employer does not have to sign the power of attorney.

Download power of attorney

Step 2

Go to our online questionnaire below. Answer all relevant questions and attach the signed power of attorney and the other requested documents listed below:

  • Copy of the employment contract
  • Copy of your work permit or knowledge worker statement (if applicable)
  • Your curriculum vitae
  • Copy of your passport

If you just arrived in the Netherlands we also need to prove that you satisfy the 150 km requirement. We have to provide evidence that you were living outside the Netherlands more than 150 km from the nearest Dutch border during at least 16 months in the past 2 years. The resume or a LinkedIn profile are not sufficient unfortunately. Examples of proof that the Dutch tax authorities accept are:

  • Salary statements from the 24 months prior to arrival in the Netherlands
  • A confirmation from your previous employer during which period you worked there combined with an employment contract which was valid in the 24 months prior to arrival in the Netherlands
  • Bank statements with cash withdrawals or pin payments (one statement per month) in combination with your CV which shows on which location you were working during which period
  • Rental contract abroad in combination with proof of payment of the rent
  • Gas/water/electricity bills for the 24 months prior to arrival in the Netherlands or overview bank account showing these payments.
  • Tax declarations of the 2 previous years
  • Proof of (de)registration from the local authorities abroad
  • Other evidence that can be used to prove residence abroad in the 24 months prior to arrival in the Netherlands

Can you provide any or some of the documents mentioned above?

If you are already working in the Netherlands and change employer then we don’t have to prove the 150 km requirement again if you had the 30% ruling with your previous employer. But in that case we have to prove that your salary was above the minimum required salary level during the whole period you were working for your previous employer in the Netherlands, that the 30% ruling was calculated correctly and that the gap between employers was not longer than 3 months. To determine this we need:

  • Copy of the 30% ruling grant with your previous employer
  • All salary slips for the period you worked for your previous employer in the Netherlands

Go to the 30% ruling questionnaire

Step 3

When we have received the completed online questionnaire together with the requested documents we will first check whether you meet all the requirements to be granted the 30% ruling. If we don’t expect that you meet the requirements we will inform you. When we agree we will file the application and inform you once the grant is received. 

Go to the 30% ruling questionnaire

Are you eligible for the 30% ruling?

Do our online survey to find out directly if you qualify for the 30% ruling.

If you have any questions, please contact us.